Happy trainers

Happy trainers
Happy Trainers (10 Empregados)
Avenida dos Flamboyants, 500
Rio de Janeiro
0 Avaliações
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Descrição da empresa

We are a group of educated people in AI, computer engineering, MBA, and physical education. We think that it's the time to have a new season of service in workout in the digital world. You may ask that some engineers' concern is running a website for finding the best trainers. Just like many other people, we are busy humans because of our jobs and lifestyle. Thinking about a good personal trainer has been our concern all the time. There was no time to work out in a gym or find a group to work out. Consequently, we've been looking for a better place in the digital world to find an appropriate personal trainer who knows their stuff.


Ofertas de emprego
Online personal trainer
(Happy trainers)
, Rio de Janeiro
Benefit from our unique levelling system to maximize your earnings... we are excited to have you onboard and together transform the fitness industry! job requirements...

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