Emprego Hired is looking for Itajaí, Santa catarina


(24 vagas de emprego)

Listado de trabajos de Hired is looking for en Itajaí, Santa catarina

Electrical engineer

Lhr Global

Energy engineer- energy optimization specialist

Lhr Global

Compressor engineer

Lhr Global

Senior process engineer

Lhr Global

Civil engineer

Lhr Global

Measurement engineer

Lhr Global

Electrical project engineer

Lhr Global

Integrity engineer

Lhr Global

Instrumentation engineer

Lhr Global

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Asset integrity engineer

Lhr Global

Process engineer sulfur specialist

Lhr Global

Mechanical engineer

Lhr Global

Safety engineer drilling & workover

Lhr Global

Maintenance electrical engineer

Lhr Global

Process safety engineer

Lhr Global

Decarbonization and sustainability expert

Lhr Global

Rotating equipment engineer

Lhr Global

Process engineer ccr platformer

Lhr Global

Safety advisor

Lhr Global

Turnaround and inspection engineer

Lhr Global

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Hired is looking for
em Itajaí, Santa catarina

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